The 6 Common Struggles Of Students Learning Korean Online

The 6 Common Struggles Of Students Learning Korean Online

Be it due to Lee Min Ho, Park Min Young, Korean dramas, K-pop songs, Korean fashion, or no matter what! Learning Korean online has become increasingly popular recently. More people than ever before are seeking to acquire the language for work, study, or leisure. The internet provides many resources, including online classes, podcasts, videos, and apps. These materials can help make studying Korean accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

Here comes the challenge, though! While remote studying offers many benefits, there are also some struggles that students face. Here, you can explore the top six struggles people encounter when learning the Korean language.

Lack of interaction with a teacher and peers

Learning Korean online means a lack of face-to-face interaction with a teacher and peers. Online and self-paced courses can be an excellent way to learn the language, but they do not offer the same level of personal interaction as in-person classes. Learners miss out on the opportunity to ask questions and receive immediate feedback from a teacher. They may also feel isolated and unmotivated without the support of their peers.

Difficulty with pronunciation

Korean pronunciation can be challenging. When learning Korean online, students often struggle with mastering the sounds and intonation of the language. While online resources can help learners hear and practice pronunciation, they do not always provide the same level of feedback and correction as a teacher in person. Learners may also feel self-conscious practising their pronunciation alone, without the guidance and support of a teacher.

Limited opportunities for immersion

Do you want to learn the Korean language well? Immersion is a core aspect of language learning. Students need exposure to the language in real-life situations to master it. However, online learning can limit opportunities for immersion, as learners may not have access to native speakers or be able to travel to Korea to experience the language and culture first-hand. While online resources can inform you about Korean culture, they cannot replace the richness and depth of an authentic immersion experience.

Overwhelming amount of resources

The internet is full of resources for learning Korean online, from textbooks and websites to apps and podcasts. While this variety can be helpful, it can also be overwhelming for learners who have no idea where to start or how to prioritise their learning. With so many options you can choose from, learners may struggle to find the resources best suited to their learning styles and goals.

Limited accountability and motivation

Without the structure and accountability of a traditional classroom, learners may find it challenging to stay motivated and committed to their learning goals. Learning Korean online requires self-discipline and self-motivation, and learners may struggle to stay on track without the support and encouragement of a teacher and peers. Additionally, learners may not have anyone to hold them accountable for their progress, resulting in frustration and a lack of progress.

Cultural barriers

Korean culture is unique and complex, and learners may struggle to understand and navigate cultural barriers when learning Korean online. From social customs to business etiquette, learners need to understand the nuances of Korean culture to communicate effectively in the language. Online resources can help learners to gain insight into Korean culture. However, they may not provide the same depth and understanding as an immersive experience or in-person classes.

Learning Korean online can be challenging, but it is not impossible. If you’re struggling with online learning, consider seeking a tutor or language exchange partner for personal interaction and support. Mastering the language is a journey. That is why it is okay to make mistakes and ask for guidance. Also, it pays to take a Korean proficiency test to improve well.

Take a Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) in Singapore today to boost your knowledge and mastery of the language! Visit their website to learn more about their programmes and courses.
